The Power of Small Wins in Leadership

By Gino Blefari

This week finds me once again in the familiar setting of my home office, where I began Monday with my usual WIG calls, continuing the tradition of starting my week focused and connected.

These regular WIG calls, simple as they may seem, are much like the ‘small wins’ highlighted in leadership studies. Each call, a small victory in itself, contributes to the larger framework of our organizational success, illustrating how minor accomplishments can lead to significant outcomes.

Read more: The Power of Small Wins in Leadership

In the vast expanse of academic literature, there’s a concept that resonates deeply with the principles of effective leadership—the “small win.” These are precisely what they sound like: minor victories that set the stage for broader, transformative changes. Research robustly supports that small wins, though seemingly modest, wield an influence far greater than the sum of their parts. They are the steady application of a small advantage that catalyzes a series of further victories.

Leadership Lesson #1: Focus on the Process, Not Just the Goal The journey to significant achievement often starts with small, consistent steps. The construction of the great pyramid provides a poignant example of this. It was built by laying one stone at a time, not with the entire structure in mind but with each individual action focused on correctly placing that one stone. This method teaches us a critical leadership lesson: the true power lies in focusing on the process rather than fixating solely on the goal. By paying attention to the process, every small action becomes a part of a larger narrative of success. Please take a moment to reflect on this point. It’s not just about reaching the pinnacle but about valuing each step that takes you there.

Leadership Lesson #2: Cultivate Patience and Steadiness We live in a time where instant gratification is often sought after, yet the magic of leadership lies in patience and the wonder of tiny triumphs. The daily disciplines that might seem trivial are what build up to grand achievements over time. This calls for a leadership style that values steadiness and the consistent effort of small actions, reinforcing the second lesson: the importance of patience and persistence in achieving long-term success.

Leadership Lesson #3: Commitment to the Journey True leadership is measured not by the culmination of efforts in grand achievements but by the depth of commitment to the ongoing journey. It’s about making daily progress toward your highest ideals and staying true to the path you’ve committed to. This approach to leadership celebrates the process itself as the real victory, not just the end result, which is merely the icing on the cake.

Reflect on the wisdom of Robert Louis Stevenson, who advised not to judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant. Equally important, consider the words of author Dale Carnegie, who observed that “any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain—and most fools do.” These reflections underscore the value of focusing on constructive actions and the positive steps we take daily, rather than dwelling on criticism or setbacks.

So, what’s the message? If we adopt the mindset that every small step is a part of a larger journey, we transform our approach to leadership and life. Just as the great pyramid was built one block at a time, effective leadership is built on the foundation of daily, small wins. These wins, though minor, are the building blocks that lead to significant achievements.

Embrace the small wins, for they compound into monumental victories over time. Your commitment to this steady, patient approach will not only lead to success but also define the kind of leader you are.


Honoring the Leadership Journey of Motherhood: A Compassionate Salute to All Mothers

By Gino Blefari

This week, my travels find me at home, where I began Monday with my typical WIG calls. Despite facing a challenging week, I remain optimistic, acknowledging that the professional landscape is often marked by unpredictability, and each challenge presents a distinct opportunity for organizational growth and learning.

As we approach Mother’s Day this Sunday, I want to express my profound respect and admiration for all mothers—those who are planning to start families, those eagerly anticipating the arrival of their children, those who are navigating the early days of motherhood, and those who have years of experience. Each of these women demonstrates remarkable leadership qualities that we can all learn from.

Read more: Honoring the Leadership Journey of Motherhood: A Compassionate Salute to All Mothers

As a father, I’ve seen the strength and grace of motherhood up close, and it’s a source of continual admiration and inspiration. The patience and strategy required in managing a household, the endless compassion in caring for children, and the unyielding strength in facing parenting challenges—these are the hallmarks of true leadership.

This year, the theme of motherhood resonates on a personal level as I mark the first Mother’s Day without my mother, who passed at the age of 93. She taught me that leadership—much like motherhood—requires compassion, patience, and, above all, the courage to “Grow for it!” These lessons shape the way I view and approach leadership, both in my family and in broader contexts.

Motherhood is a lifelong commitment that molds resilience, fosters empathy, and demands adaptability—traits that are indispensable in leaders across all spheres. To every mother in every stage of this journey, we celebrate you this Mother’s Day not only for the roles you assume but for the inherent leadership you demonstrate daily. Motherhood is perhaps the most profound example of leadership, where joy, trials, and triumphs mingle with a boundless love that nurtures the next generation of leaders.

Moreover, the influence of a mother’s leadership extends beyond the confines of home. It reaches into our communities, schools, workplaces, and beyond, shaping society in ways that are often underestimated but always essential.

So, what’s the message? As we honor this special day, let us all, acknowledge the powerful leadership lessons bestowed upon us by the mothers in our lives. Grow through the challenges, grow in love, and continue to grow in spirit and wisdom.

To all the mothers—those with us and those watching over us—you are cherished and valued as the indispensable leaders you are. Happy Mother’s Day.

The Formula for Excellence: Insights from Top Performers

By Gino Blefari

This week, my travels find me at home on Monday morning conducting WIG calls with our CEO’s. On Monday afternoon I traveled to Orange County, CA for business meetings and to participate at the Mike Ferry West Coast Management Retreat.

As I reflect on the vibrant discussions at the Mike Ferry West Coast Management Retreat, I am continually inspired by the collective wisdom and energy of leaders striving for excellence. This annual retreat is a catalyst that recharges my commitment to growth and resilience. The insights gained here resonate deeply with the formula for success that distinguishes outstanding leaders. It is in these moments of collective learning and personal reflection that the essence of mastery begins to crystallize—where the fundamental principles of growth, repetition, mentors, and robust associations blend seamlessly to forge not only resilient leaders but also visionary architects of the future.

Read more: The Formula for Excellence: Insights from Top Performers

What distinguishes the most successful CEOs, Realtors, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, and leadership teams? If I were to distill their secret into a simple formula, here’s what it would look like:

Growth: The journey to excellence begins with a commitment to constant learning and refinement. The best in any field don’t just participate; they immerse themselves in their craft, gaining insights that elevate their performance beyond the average.

Repetition: Mastery requires more than just talent; it demands hard work. The adage “practice makes perfect” holds true, as repetition converts potential into unparalleled expertise.

Mentors: Behind every great achiever is a mentor who has guided them. These experienced individuals sharpen your focus, expedite your learning curve, and help you avoid pitfalls, saving you invaluable time.

Associations: You are the company you keep. Surrounding yourself with individuals who are leaders in their fields can significantly influence your energy, drive, and success. Their attributes—mastery, boldness, and an unmatched work ethic—can inspire and elevate your own aspirations.

Resilience: The path to success is fraught with challenges. Resilience is about transforming failures into stepping stones. The most successful individuals use setbacks as fuel to propel themselves forward.

Longevity: True success is measured over time. Consider Tom Brady, who played elite football well into his 40s, Mike Ferry as an elite real estate trainer, or Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger as elite investors, exemplifying how longevity can define a career. Staying longer in the game than what might seem reasonable or rational can lead to legendary status.

This approach to your professional life, where growth, repetition, mentorship, the right associations, resilience, and longevity converge, is not just about achieving success—it’s about becoming transformative in your field.

So, what’s the message? Reflect on these principles. Trust your instincts, ignore the naysayers, and continue refining your mastery. The rewards—joy, satisfaction, and the often unspoken treasures of excellence—are within reach. Embrace this journey, and let your dedication to your craft illuminate not only your path but also inspire those around you. Remember, fortune favors the RELENTLESS.

PENAM: The Architectural Forces Shaping You

By Gino Blefari

This week my travels find me at home, starting the week on Monday with my typical WIG calls. On Wednesday, while working from the Intero Cupertino, CA office, I sat down to write this post to you. 

Have you ever pondered the intricate forces that mold your identity and influence your capacity for leadership? The acronym PENAM serves as a roadmap to understanding these pivotal influences in our lives. Each letter represents a significant force that shapes our beliefs, behaviors, and ultimately, our leadership potential.

Read more: PENAM: The Architectural Forces Shaping You

P: Parents
Our foundational influence comes from our parents. They shape our earliest understanding of the world, often imparting their virtues alongside their flaws. A child’s mind is impressionable; it subconsciously adopts the outlook and predispositions of those who raise it. Whether it’s a scarcity mindset or a tragic view of life, these early lessons frequently set the stage for our lifelong beliefs. I can see it to this day in myself and within my two sisters.

E: Environment
The environment envelops us with its influences, subtly guiding our daily actions and decisions. From the media we consume to the spaces we inhabit, our environment can either elevate our spirit or drag it down. This continuous interaction significantly dictates our performance, outlook, and overall well-being. Hence, I try my best not to tune into the daily news.

N: Nation
The nation or the societal dynamics where we grow up also sculpt our worldview. Living in a stable, prosperous society can foster a sense of possibility and safety, whereas growing up amidst instability can instill resilience or a guarded outlook on life.

A: Associations
Our companions and peers play a crucial role in our development. The people we surround ourselves with can either inspire us to greatness or pull us into mediocrity. As the saying goes, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, making our associations a powerful influence on our life trajectory.

M: Media
In today’s digital age, media is a pervasive force in shaping our perceptions and ideals. Daily, we are bombarded with messages that define success, dictate values, and outline societal norms. This relentless stream of information can profoundly influence our self-image and life decisions.

Conclusion: Navigating Life with PENAM
Understanding the impact of these forces—Parents, Environment, Nation, Associations, and Media—gives us the clarity to navigate them more effectively. By actively choosing positive influences and fostering awareness of these factors, we can better steer our personal and professional growth. This insight not only enhances our leadership capabilities but also enriches our journey towards self-actualization.

So, what’s the message? In embracing the lessons of PENAM, we can transform challenges into steppingstones for success, paving the way for a fulfilled and impactful life.

Unlocking Leadership Excellence: Practical Tools for Transformational Leadership

By Gino Blefari

This week my travels find me at home, starting the week on Monday with my typical WIG calls. This morning, between countless virtual meetings, I sat down to write this post to you and this evening I will be hosting The Intero Foundation Spring Celebration Fundraiser in San Jose, CA. Established in 2002, the Intero Foundation’s mission is to provide grant support to nonprofit services for underserved youth and seniors in the communities Intero Real Estate serves.

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, I feel compelled to share my insights on transformational leadership because, now more than ever, effective leadership is critical for inspiring teams and driving sustainable success.

Read more: Unlocking Leadership Excellence: Practical Tools for Transformational Leadership

As leaders, we are continuously navigating through the ups and downs of organizational life, tackling challenges like unmet goals, legal issues and low team spirit that can significantly impact our teams. Through my experiences, I’ve developed a robust framework for leadership that is both practical and transformative, with the potential to significantly enhance your team’s capabilities.

Leadership is not just about managing—it’s a journey that tests our dedication, resilience, and commitment to continuous improvement. These are the foundations of truly transformative leadership. To help you lead with exceptional impact, I want to share seven practical tools that I’ve used and feel that every leader can integrate into their approach to harness the full potential of their teams:

  1. Discover Your “Why”: Understanding the core of your motivation is crucial—it drives every decision and action you take.
  2. Coach Beyond Current Roles: Invest in your employees’ growth by coaching them beyond the skills needed for their current positions.
  3. Cut Out the Bad Habits: Eliminate practices like micromanagement and burnout that hold your team back.
  4. Vision and Mission Matter: Establish and communicate a compelling mission and vision that align with the big picture.
  5. Leverage Data for Improvement: Use data effectively to identify and address your team’s areas of weakness. The numbers tell the story.
  6. Build Your Leadership Tribe: Surround yourself with other leaders who inspire and challenge you.
  7. Mentor Future Leaders: Commit to developing the next generation of leaders within your organization.

Being an all-in leader means remaining steadfastly optimistic, even in the face of adversity. The clarity of vision, continuous self-investment, transparent communication, and active listening are not just strategies but necessities that drive an all-in leader’s decisions.

Leadership demands more than just setting goals; it requires a commitment to nurturing and expanding the capabilities of those we lead, with a keen eye toward building future leaders. These principles have not only shaped my leadership journey but have also inspired a deeper commitment to the all-in mindset—a commitment I believe every leader should consider adopting to truly motivate and maximize their team’s results.

So, what’s the message? Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just stepping into a leadership role, these insights can provide a daily boost to your leadership approach, potentially changing how you view your role and approach your responsibilities.

Thoughts on Leadership: Navigating Through Change – A Leadership Odyssey

By Gino Blefari

This week my travels found me at home in northern California. As I sat in the serene embrace of my home office this week, I found myself pondering the relentless force of change that shapes our personal and professional landscapes. At the heart of leadership lies the formidable task of steering through these tumultuous seas, a journey that not only tests but ultimately defines our grit as leaders.

Change, with its inherent unpredictability, can rattle even the most composed teams. The true essence of leadership lies in metamorphosing this uncertainty into a beacon of opportunity, transforming fear into courage, and translating confusion into lucid clarity. Our reaction to change can either be the wind in our sails or the anchor dragging us down.

Vision and Adaptability: The Beacons of Change

My reflections and experiences, spanning both geographical and metaphorical realms, have consistently highlighted a truth: the most impactful leaders are those who navigate change with an unblinking eye on the horizon and an adaptable mindset. They perceive change not as a barrier but as a gateway to new horizons, perpetually seeking to evolve, innovate, and advance.

A recent leadership conclave brought this perspective to the forefront, illustrating how our collective success is deeply rooted in our ability to embrace and adapt to change, thereby solidifying our team’s unity and strength.

Communication and Collaboration: The Lifelines of Leadership

In the dynamic dance of change, effective leadership is rhythmically synchronized with communication and collaboration. Transparent, sincere dialogue is the cornerstone that alleviates apprehensions, nurtures trust, and cultivates a supportive, collaborative culture. It is imperative that each team member grasps the essence of change, its underlying purpose, and their role in this collective journey.

Engaging with the team, valuing their perspectives, and incorporating their insights can ignite innovative solutions and deepen the allegiance to our shared mission.

Resilience and Gratitude: The Anchors in the Storm

The voyage through change is a test of resilience, compelling us to confront uncertainties, reassess our beliefs, and boldly step beyond our comfort zones. As leaders, embodying resilience demonstrates to our teams that with tenacity and optimism, we can weather any storm.

In this odyssey of change, gratitude is our compass, guiding us to focus on the positives and maintain an uplifting spirit amidst challenges. Celebrating each milestone, valuing the lessons along the way, and acknowledging our growth are pivotal in cultivating a resilient and thankful mindset.

In Conclusion: The Journey Continues

As I gear up for the week ahead, teeming with its inherent shifts and challenges, I am reminded of Heraclitus’s timeless wisdom: “Change is the only constant in life.” Our prowess in steering through change with vision, adaptability, communication, collaboration, resilience, and gratitude not only carves the path of our leadership but also the prosperity and well-being of our teams.

So, what’s the message? Leading through change transcends mere transition management. It’s about kindling the spirit of those we lead, empowering them to embrace the journey, learn from its lessons, and emerge not just unscathed but fortified and invigorated.

Thoughts of Leadership: Crafting a Dynasty – Leadership Lessons from Robert Kraft’s Playbook

By Gino Blefari

This past weekend while at home in northern California, I immersed myself in the audiobook version of “The Dynasty” by Jeff Benedict, a compelling chronicle of the New England Patriots’ rise to greatness. Listening to Todd Menesses’ narration of this book, complete with personal touches like changing his voice to match the characters he was discussing, was a unique experience that brought the story to life. What resonated with me most were the segments about Robert Kraft, the mastermind behind the team’s success. His strategic and personal journey with the Patriots not only shaped a sports dynasty but also provided timeless leadership and life lessons. From the intricacies of team dynamics to the subtle art of managing egos, this book is a treasure trove of insights. Inspired by Kraft’s story, I want to share five key insights that stand out as beacons for anyone aspiring to lead with impact.

Read more: Thoughts of Leadership: Crafting a Dynasty – Leadership Lessons from Robert Kraft’s Playbook

Visionary Leadership
Kraft’s journey began with a clear vision: to build the Patriots into a football dynasty. This vision was not just a dream but a strategic blueprint that guided every decision he made, much like Belichick’s approach to coaching, where every player, including Tom Brady, was treated equally to foster a team-first mentality. Kraft’s commitment to this vision, even when faced with skepticism and challenges, teaches us the power of setting a clear goal and relentlessly pursuing it.

Empowering People
One of Kraft’s notable decisions was hiring Bill Belichick as head coach, recognizing his potential to turn the team’s fortunes around. Belichick, arguably the best coach of all time, demonstrated this through his unprejudiced treatment of players, emphasizing the team over individual glory. Kraft’s leadership style of empowering people, trusting their expertise, and giving them the autonomy to make decisions underscores the importance of building a team that shares your vision and values.

Resilience in Adversity
The Patriots’ path under Kraft was not always smooth; they faced numerous challenges, both on and off the field. The friction between Belichick and Brady towards the end of Brady’s career with the Patriots is a testament to this. Yet, Kraft’s magical touch in keeping these two titans together showcases his resilience in navigating obstacles, from controversies to personal losses, showing the importance of staying focused on long-term objectives and maintaining a steady hand in the face of adversity.

Innovative Thinking
Kraft was not just a traditional team owner; he was an innovator. From revolutionizing fan engagement to expanding the Patriots’ brand, his forward-thinking approach transformed the team into a global icon. This mirrors Tom Brady’s commitment to the game of football, constantly innovating and adapting to maintain his status as arguably the best football player of all time. Kraft’s innovative mindset highlights the significance of adapting to change and seizing new opportunities.

Building a Legacy
Kraft’s impact on the Patriots and the NFL extends beyond championships; it’s about creating a lasting legacy. His dedication to excellence, community engagement, and the sport’s growth reflects the essence of building a legacy that transcends individual success, much like Brady’s unparalleled commitment to football has left an indelible mark on the sport.

So, what’s the message? As I reflect on Robert Kraft’s leadership with the Patriots, it’s clear that his approach—characterized by vision, empowerment, resilience, innovation, and legacy-building—offers valuable lessons for leaders in any field. His story, intertwined with the sagas of Belichick and Brady, is a testament to the impact of strategic, heartfelt leadership on achieving enduring success.

Thoughts on Leadership: The Caitlin Clark Effect

By Gino Blefari

This week my travels find me in northern California, taking meetings, conducting WIG calls and earlier today attending the Intero Honors event celebrating 2023 production.

As I sat in my family room Monday night, eagerly watching the NCAA Tournament second-round game between No. 1 seed Iowa and No. 8 seed West Virginia, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of emotion. There was a lot on the line as Caitlin Clark took the floor at Carver-Hawkeye Arena one final time. The tension was palpable as West Virginia’s defense made everything difficult for Iowa. Despite the challenges, Clark’s performance was nothing short of spectacular. She led the team with 32 points, including five 3-pointers and an impressive 11 of 12 free throws made. Witnessing her scoring prowess and the team’s resilience, especially with Hannah Stuelke’s crucial blocks, filled me with a sense of admiration and inspiration. It was this captivating moment, filled with determination and leadership, that compelled me to reflect and write about Caitlin Clark’s impact on and off the court in today’s blog.

Read more: Thoughts on Leadership: The Caitlin Clark Effect

Less than three years ago, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) wouldn’t let female basketball players use the term ‘March Madness’ in their promotional branding. Today, that term is synonymous with one basketball player who has dominated headlines and rapidly become the most lucrative asset the league has known: Caitlin Clark, a 22-year-old female player from Iowa. As the highest-scoring athlete in college basketball history, she is making history both on and off the court.

Caitlin Clark’s meteoric rise has not only transformed college basketball but has also shattered gender biases in sports and media. Here are five leadership lessons we can learn from her:

  1. Unapologetic Authenticity: Clark refuses to conform to traditional expectations and stereotypes. She embraces her personality, on and off the court, without seeking approval or likeability. Leaders can learn from her authenticity and the power of being true to oneself.

  2. Confidence in Emotion: Clark demonstrates that emotion is not a gendered allowance. She is unapologetically emotional in her game, challenging stereotypes and advocating for the freedom to express emotions authentically. Leaders can learn to embrace emotions as a natural part of leadership, regardless of gender.

  3. Assertiveness and Self-Efficacy: She rejects tokenism and celebrates genuine recognition. Clark’s refusal to accept token gestures highlights the importance of self-efficacy and valuing one’s worth. Leaders can learn to advocate for meaningful recognition and opportunities based on merit, not token gestures.

  4. Breaking Cultural Biases: By transcending cultural biases and expectations, Clark sets a powerful example of breaking barriers and redefining norms. Leaders can learn to challenge biases within their industries and promote inclusivity and diversity.

  5. Inspiring Confidence and Self-Belief: Clark’s journey inspires confidence and self-belief in young girls and women everywhere. Her story encourages others to trust their instincts, value their potential, and embrace their uniqueness. Leaders can learn to cultivate confidence and empower others to embrace their strengths and lead with authenticity.

So, what’s the message? Caitlin Clark’s impact extends beyond the basketball court, teaching valuable lessons in leadership, authenticity, and empowerment. As we celebrate her achievements, let’s also reflect on the lessons she imparts and strive to emulate her fearless leadership in our own endeavors.

Thoughts on Leadership: Embracing Emotional Intelligence – Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg and Nelson Mandela

By Gino Blefari

This week, my travels find me at home starting Monday, conducting WIG calls with our CEOs. On Tuesday, I joined the early morning Berkshire Hathaway Energy weekly executive meeting followed by our monthly leadership meeting, all while appreciating the beautiful weather that the first day of spring brought to northern California.

This morning, I sat down to write this blog, reflecting on the current residential real estate environment and, for that matter, all businesses. In today’s dynamic and challenging business landscape, embracing emotional intelligence (EQ) is not just advantageous but essential for leaders seeking to navigate complexities, foster innovation, and achieve sustainable success. This crucial trait, exemplified by leaders like Sheryl Sandberg and Nelson Mandela, profoundly impacts decision-making, team dynamics, and overall success.

Read more: Thoughts on Leadership: Embracing Emotional Intelligence – Lessons from Sheryl Sandberg and Nelson Mandela

Sheryl Sandberg: Empathy and Empowerment

Sheryl Sandberg, American technology executive, philanthropist, and writer, epitomizes empowering leadership rooted in emotional intelligence. Her empathetic approach fosters inclusivity and resilience within teams. Sandberg’s advocacy for diversity and inclusion not only enhances team dynamics but also drives innovation and engagement.

Nelson Mandela: Empathy and Transformation

Nelson Mandela, a global icon of reconciliation, exemplifies emotional intelligence in leadership. His ability to understand and connect with diverse perspectives enabled transformative decision-making. Mandela’s empathy and resilience were pivotal in uniting a nation and inspiring positive change globally.

Impact on Decision-Making

Leaders like Sandberg and Mandela, with high EQ, make well-informed decisions by considering emotional nuances alongside factual data. This balanced approach prioritizes fairness, empathy, and ethical considerations, leading to sustainable outcomes.

Impact on Team Dynamics

Teams led by emotionally intelligent leaders experience enhanced cohesion and collaboration. Empathetic leaders create a culture of trust and empowerment, where team members feel valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts, driving overall success.

Strategies for Developing Emotional Intelligence

To enhance emotional intelligence:

  • Practice self-awareness and introspection to understand emotions and motivations.
  • Cultivate empathy by actively listening and showing genuine care for others.
  • Build resilience by learning from setbacks and maintaining a positive outlook.
  • Enhance communication skills for effective dialogue and conflict resolution.
  • Promote inclusivity and diversity to foster a culture of belonging and innovation.

Legacy of Empowering Leadership

The legacies of Sandberg and Mandela underscore the enduring impact of emotional intelligence in leadership. Their empathetic and inclusive leadership styles inspire individuals and organizations worldwide to embrace EQ as a cornerstone of success.

So, what’s the message? Emotional intelligence, as demonstrated by leaders like Sheryl Sandberg and Nelson Mandela, is instrumental in driving positive change, fostering collaboration, and achieving sustainable success. By embracing empathy, resilience, and inclusivity, leaders can navigate challenges, inspire teams, and create thriving work environments.

Thoughts on Leadership: What is a true hero?

By Gino Blefari

This week, I had the privilege of attending the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Sales Convention, where we immersed ourselves in learning, rejuvenation, and celebration. Our theme: HERO. We departed feeling inspired and invigorated, and my aspiration is for us to embody this superhero mindset in our endeavors. Come along as I share a personal story about a hidden hero, revealed during my speech on Monday morning’s main stage. Just click below. Let’s embrace our roles as the heroes our communities crave, the champions our loved ones deserve, and the stalwarts our businesses depend on.

Click here.

So, what’s the message? Believe in yourself and others, for mentorship and support can be the catalyst for greatness. Embrace challenges, cultivate confidence, and strive to uplift those around you. You have the power to shape your reality and inspire positive change.

Photo by: Tim Scarborough (@timscarboroughii)

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